/ Home / math / Linear_Algebra / 01._Vector_Space /
01. Vector SpaceVectorA vector is an ordered tuple of cells. We write vectors as column vectors by default, that is: Vector spaceA vector space is any set of vectors (vectors are in bold) together with two operators, + and ⋅ (note: λ and ω are any scalars), where the following conditions hold always: SubspaceS⊆V is a subspace iff (K being the set which contains the components of the vector) Linear independencen vectors AND BasisAny n linear independent vectors form a basis of a vector space. n is the cardinality (dim) of the vector space and is constant for the vector space. Coordinate transformationsA (traditional) vector v can be transformed into coordinates (X,Y,Z) in the coordinate system denoted by the Basis The components Direct SumThe vector space V is a direct sum of the subspaces S and T ... iff for every NormA norm is a function Every norm induces a function Inner productA inner product is a function Cauchy-Schwarz inequalityThis leads to the angle φ between two vectors u and v: OrthogonalityTwo vectors u and v are orthogonal iff: Shorthand: u⊥v OrthonormalityTwo vectors u and v are orthonormal iff they are orthogonal and: Orthonormal BasisA orthonormal basis is a basis where all vectors are orthonormal to each other. Gram-SchmidtThe Gram-Schmidt algorithm can be used to complete a set of linearly independent vectors to a orthonormal basis. Let Then one can calculate a set ... Author: Danny (remove the ".nospam" to send) Last modification on: Sat, 04 May 2024 . |