/ Home / math / Linear_Algebra / 03._Matrix_Equation /
03. Matrix EquationMatrices can be used as first-class objects. The algebra rules are as follows:
Multiplication commutativity does NOT hold. For example let A be a matrix, λ an unknown scalar, v an unknown vector here: A trivial and uninteresting solution would be The other solutions can be found by rewriting. First notice that there is a 0 vector: Then promote every term to be a matrix: Then notice distributivity: So either The more interesting one is the first: Adjoint Matrices (Conjugate Transpose)The conjugate transpose, Hermitian transpose, or adjoint matrix is the matrix To calculate the adjoint matrix Other interesting properties are: The eigenvalues of Author: Danny (remove the ".nospam" to send) Last modification on: Sat, 04 May 2024 . |